Ingress annotations

The behaviour of an Ingress can be configured by setting annotations on the Ingress resource, e.g.:

  annotations: '/myapp'

Annotations whose names with are standard annotations supported by most Ingress controllers; those beginning with are specific to the Traffic Server Ingress controller.

  • if set to a string, the portion of the request path matched by the Ingress path attribute will be replaced with this string. This has no effect on an Ingress without a path set.

  • if set to a path, requests for / will be redirected to this path. This can be used for applications which sit in a subdirectory rather than at the root.

  • if "true", Traffic Server will follow 3xx redirect responses and serve the final response to the client. If the redirect destination is cached, it will be cached with the cache key of the original request. Redirects will only be followed to other Ingress resources, not to arbitrary destinations (but see below about proxying to external resources).

  • if "false", set the Host header in the request to the backend name (e.g., the pod name), instead of the original request host.

  • `": set the time in seconds that TS will wait for for the response from the origin. If this timeout is exceeded, an HTTP 504 error will be returned to the client.

  • if "false", HTTP/2 will be disabled on this Ingress even if it's enabled globally. This can only be set on the Ingress that contains the default backend for a particular hostname (i.e., where no path attribute is set).