Installing the plugin from source

If you want to integrate Kubernetes with an existing Traffic Server installation, you can build the plugin from source. If you're planning to deploy the plugin inside a Kubernetes cluster, you should read Using the Docker image instead.


The following are required to build:

  • Traffic Server 7.1 or later (including development headers). Older versions will not be supported as they are lacking features the Ingress controller requires.
  • A working C99 compiler and make utility.
  • json-c library
  • cURL library
  • OpenSSL (or a compatible TLS library, e.g. LibreSSL)

If you want to run the unit tests, a C++11 compiler is required. If you want to run the end-to-end tests, a Linux/amd64 host is required (because those tests require running the Kubernetes API server).


To build and install the plugin:

$ autoreconf -if            # only if building from a git checkout
$ ./configure [--with-tsxs=/path/to/trafficserver/bin/tsxs]
$ make
$ make install

This will put in your Traffic Server plugins directory. Edit plugin.config to tell Traffic Server to load the plugin.

To run the unit tests:

$ make test

To run the end-to-end tests:

$ tests/


If Traffic Server is not running inside the cluster, you will need to provide a kubernetes.config configuration file. See Configuration for details.

If TS is running inside the cluster, it will pick up its service account details automatically and the configuration file is not required, but you will need to ensure it has access to the resources it needs to run. If you're using RBAC for authorization, see rbac.yaml for an example RBAC configuration.