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Converters are callable classes, which when called, take elements of the intermediate {'type': type, 'value': value} format (and keyword arguments) and return streamfield-compatible tuples of the (block_name, block_content) form. All converters inherit from wagtail_content_import.mappers.converters.BaseConverter, and take a block_name on init.

RichTextConverter(block_name, features=None)

Produces Draftail-compatible html suitable for a RichTextBlock, using either the features listed in features or the basic rich text features registered in the Wagtail feature registry (see the Wagtail documentation).


Passes the element's value field directly through as the block content. Note that this must be escaped, as no whitelisting takes place.


Imports an image found at the url given by the element's value, setting the title to the element's title if given, and the owner to the user kwarg if provided on calling, and returns the image as the block content.


Produces a text table from the intermediate table representation, compatible with wagtail.contrib.table_block.blocks.TableBlock.