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Setting Up OneDrive/SharePoint Integration

Wagtail OneDrive/SharePoint integration relies on Microsoft APIs, which you will first need to enable for your project:

  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Azure app registrations page

  2. If you don't have a registration for your project, create a new registration now.

  3. Either while creating your registration, or by selecting your project and navigating to Authentication, add a new redirect URI:

    If you have included wagtail_content_import.urls as follows:

    url(r'ADDITIONAL_URL_PATH/', include(wagtail_content_import_urls))

The redirect URI will be: https://BASE_URL/ADDITIONAL_URL_PATH/microsoft/auth/ (substituting BASE_URL for your site's url, and ADDITIONAL_URL_PATH for the path under which you have included wagtail_content_import.urls)

  1. Navigate to Authentication. Under Implicit grant, add Access tokens and ID tokens, and save.

  2. Finally, navigate to Overview, and copy the Application (client) ID into the WAGTAILCONTENTIMPORT_MICROSOFT_CLIENT_ID setting.

Note: you may need to configure your server to set a Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy of "unsafe-none" for the file picker popup to function correctly. On applications running Django versions >= 4 and using, this can be done by setting SECURE_CROSS_ORIGIN_OPENER_POLICY = "unsafe-none".