— Continuous Integration¶
Code styleguide¶
This project’s code formatting is enforced with Prettier for supported languages, black, flake8, and isort for Python. Make sure to have all integrated with your editor to auto-format when saving files, or to manually run them before committing (npm run format
for Prettier).
Automatic linting locally¶
You can also run the linting tests automatically before committing. This is optional. It uses pre-commit, which is installed by default in the docker container, and a .pre-commit-config.yml file is included for the project.
To use when making commits on your host machine you must install pre-commit, either create a virtualenv to use with the project or to install globally see instructions at (
Pre-commit will not run by default. To set it up, run pre-commit install
inside the Docker container, or on the host if you have installed pre-commit there.
You can also manually run pre-commit without using a git hook by running:
$ pre-commit run --all-files
The detect-secrets
pre-commit hook requires a baseline secrets file to be included. If you need to, you can update this file, e.g. when adding dummy secrets for unit tests:
$ detect-secrets scan > .secrets.baseline
Automatic checks on Github¶
When commits are pushed to Github, CI pipelines including tests, and linting checks are run. This is configured here: