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Basic Setup


  • Django 4.2 or 5.0
  • Wagtail 5.2 or 6.0

To set up:

  1. Run python3 pip install wagtail-content-import.
  2. Add 'wagtail_content_import' to INSTALLED_APPS above wagtail.admin
  3. Add the urls: include wagtail_import.urls in your urlpatterns in This could look like:

    from django.urls import include, path
    from wagtail_content_import import urls as wagtail_content_import_urls
    urlpatterns += [
        path('', include(wagtail_content_import_urls)),

    Note that wagtail_content_import.urls must be above wagtail.urls in your urlpatterns.

  4. Add the relevant pickers:

    • To import from Google Docs, add'' to INSTALLED_APPS above wagtail.admin, then follow the steps given in Google Docs Setup
    • To import from OneDrive/SharePoint, add'' to INSTALLED_APPS above wagtail.admin, then follow the steps given in Microsoft Setup
    • To import from local files, add'wagtail_content_import.pickers.local' to INSTALLED_APPS above wagtail.admin,
  5. You're now ready to set up how content will be imported to your Page models: see Basic Usage