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Automated tests

Although pattern libraries often start as tools for manual tests during development, they can also be useful for automated UI testing. There are a few benefits to doing UI tests with a pattern library:

  • Test the components in isolation. When tests fail, you will know exactly which component has issues, rather than having to inspect whole pages to understand what might have changed.
  • Test the components with mock data. One of the issues with UI tests is to have test data for your UIs to render – you can reuse the pattern library data for this purpose (although there are limitations).

Setting up automated UI tests

There are two ways to set up automated tests: by accessing templates as they are rendered by the pattern library directly with Django, or by pre-rendering the templates with render_patterns command and then using this static export to make automated tests.

Served by Django

Make sure your Django server is up and running, and you can then point your tests directly at the pattern library’s iframe URLs, for example: http://localhost:8000/pattern-library/render-pattern/patterns/molecules/accordion/accordion.html.

Note this will always render your templates within the base template (PATTERN_BASE_TEMPLATE_NAME), which may or may not be appropriate for your tests.

With render_patterns

The render_patterns command command can be used to export all your templates, so you can do bulk checks on them all. For example, testing all templates use valid HTML with the v.Nu HTML5 validator:

./ render_patterns --wrap-fragments
vnu dpl-rendered-patterns/**/*.html

One of the advantages of render_patterns is the ability for you to test the patterns without wrapping fragments in the base template, should this be more appropriate for your tests.

Visual regression testing

Pattern libraries are a natural fit for automated visual regression tests. Here is an example BackstopJS configuration file:

  "viewports": [
      "label": "tablet",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 768
  "scenarios": [
      "label": "accordion.html",
      "url": ""
      "label": "person_page.html",
      "url": ""
  "paths": {
    "bitmaps_reference": "backstop_data/bitmaps_reference",
    "bitmaps_test": "backstop_data/bitmaps_test",
    "engine_scripts": "backstop_data/engine_scripts",
    "html_report": "backstop_data/html_report",
    "ci_report": "backstop_data/ci_report"
  "engine": "puppeteer"

Try this out by saving the file as backstop.json, then:

npm install -g backstopjs
backstop test

Accessibility testing

Here as well, pattern libraries are a natural fit, due to them providing the test data, and making it possible to test components in isolation. Have a look at Pa11y or Lighthouse CI to get started.

Here is an example Pa11y configuration:

module.exports = {
  defaults: {
    standard: "WCAG2AAA",
    runners: ["axe"],

  urls: [

Try this out by saving the file as pa11y.config.js, then:

npm install -g pa11y-ci
pa11y-ci --config pa11y.config.js

Accessibility testing in GitLab CI

Here is a practical example of combining Pa11y and django-pattern-library in GitLab CI to run automated accessibility tests. This three-stage build first compiles a project’s static assets (CSS, JS), then generates pattern library static files with Django (with the render_patterns command command can be), and finally tests those static pages with Pa11y.

  image: node:16
  stage: build
    - npm ci
    - npm run build:prod
    name: "static-$CI_JOB_ID"
      - ./demosite/static_compiled
    expire_in: 30 mins

  image: python:3.9
  stage: test
    - static
    - postgres:12.3
    DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: demosite.settings.production
    GIT_STRATEGY: none
    - pip install poetry==1.1.8
    - poetry install

    - python collectstatic --verbosity 0 --noinput --clear

    # Render all django-pattern-library patterns, saving a list of the rendered files.
    - python render_patterns --wrap-fragment 2>&1 >/dev/null | tee dpl-list.txt
    - mv dpl-list.txt dpl-rendered-patterns && cp -R static dpl-rendered-patterns/static && mv dpl-rendered-patterns ../dpl-rendered-patterns
    name: "test_patterns-$CI_JOB_ID"
      - ./dpl-rendered-patterns
    expire_in: 30 mins

  stage: accessibility
    - test_python
    TEST_ORIGIN: http://localhost:4000
    # Serve files locally, in the background, waiting for the server to start before we run the test suite.
    - npm install -g http-server@14
    - http-server ./dpl-rendered-patterns --port 4000 &
    - pa11y-ci -j --config pa11y.config.js > dpl-rendered-patterns/gl-accessibility.json
    # Create artifacts even if the tests fail.
    when: always
    expire_in: 1 week
      - dpl-rendered-patterns
      accessibility: dpl-rendered-patterns/gl-accessibility.json

Here is the pa11y.config.js, which will determine what to test based on the output of render_patterns, as listed in the dpl-list.txt file:

const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");

const defaults = {
  chromeLaunchConfig: {
    // Needed to run Pa11y in GitLab CI.
    args: ["--no-sandbox"],
  standard: "WCAG2AA",
  runners: ["axe"],

// Assume we run tests over a live django-pattern-library instance, unless TEST_ORIGIN is set;
const local = "http://localhost:8000/pattern-library/render-pattern/patterns";
const origin = process.env.TEST_ORIGIN || local;

let urls = [];

// In CI mode, retrieve the URLs to test from dpl-rendered-patterns.
if (process.env.CI) {
  const list = path.join(__dirname, "dpl-rendered-patterns", "dpl-list.txt");
  const patterns = fs.readFileSync(list, "utf-8").split("\n").filter((p) => p);

  urls = => `${origin}/${p.replace("patterns/", "")}`);

// Convert the list of URLs to configuration objects.
urls = [ Set(urls)].map((url) => {
  const config = {
    screenCapture: `dpl-rendered-patterns/${url.replace(origin, "")}.png`,

  if (url.endsWith("tab-nav-item.html")) {
    config.ignore = [...defaults.ignore, "aria-required-parent"];

  return config;

console.log(`Initialising pa11y-ci on ${urls.length} URLs`);

module.exports = {

Last update: 2024-01-17