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Static site export

It can be useful to publish your pattern library as a static site – for example to host it without a runtime dependency on the rest of your code, or to save past versions, or save the output as build artifacts.

With render_patterns

The render_patterns command command can be used to export all your templates, without exporting the pattern library UI.

# Export all templates, wrapped in the base template like the pattern library UI does.
./ render_patterns --wrap-fragments --output dpl-rendered-patterns
# Or alternatively export all templates without extra wrapping.
./ render_patterns --output dpl-rendered-patterns

This command will create a new folder, with a structure matching that of your templates:

├── atoms
│   ├── icons
│   │   └── icon.html
├── molecules
│   ├── accordion
│   │   └── accordion.html
└── pages
    └── people
        └── person_page.html

Note this will export all templates but won’t export static files. If you need static files for your export, additionally run collectstatic, and move its output to be where STATIC_URL expects it:

./ collectstatic
# Moving the collected files to match STATIC_URL
mv static dpl-rendered-patterns/static

With a website scrapper

It’s very straightforward to export the whole pattern library as a static site, including all templates, and the pattern library UI. Here is an example exporting the pattern library with wget:

wget --mirror --page-requisites --no-parent http://localhost:8000/pattern-library/

Last update: 2024-01-17