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Known issues and limitations

django-pattern-library has a few known limitations due to its design, which are worth knowing about when authoring templates or attempting to document them in the pattern library.

Overriding filters is not supported

See #114. PRs welcome!

Can’t override context in a child template

See #8.

If you have a some_page.html, some_page.yaml, and include_me.html, include_me.html, and some_page.html includes include_me.html.

some_page.yaml with something like:

    pk: 1
    title: "my title"

and include_me.yaml with something like:

    title: "Title from include"

Title from include will appear on both patterns. It's impossible to override single key in some_page.html

No support for pattern variations

See #87. There is currently no support for trying out a single component with different variations in context or tag overrides.

This can be worked around by creating pattern-library-only templates, see Multiple template variants

Can’t mock each use of a template tag with different attributes

See #138. For example, with a template that uses the same tag many times like:

{% load wagtailcore_tags %}
  {% for link in primarynav %}
      {% with %}
          <div class="primary-nav__item">
              {% include_block link with has_children=children.exists nav_type="primary-nav" %}
              <ul class="sub-nav">
                  <li class="sub-nav__item">{% include_block link with nav_type="sub-nav" %}</li>
                  {% for child in children.all %}
                      <li class="sub-nav__item sub-nav__item--secondary">
                          {% include_block link with page=child nav_type="sub-nav" %}
                  {% endfor %}
      {% endwith %}
  {% endfor %}

This can’t be mocked for all usage of include_block.

Jinja2 support

Or lack thereof! If you’re interested in this, please share your thoughts with us on #180.

Past limitations

No way to specify objects that have attributes and support iteration

🎉 This is now addressed as of v0.5.0, with the context modifiers in Python API. View our pagination recipe.

See #10. It’s impossible to mock the context when a variable needs to support iteration and attributes. Here is an example of this impossible case:

{% for result in search_results %}
{# […] #}
{% if search_results.paginator.count %}

Django form fields are not well supported

🎉 This is now addressed as of v0.5.0, with the context modifiers in Python API. View our forms and fields recipe.

See #113. If a template contains {% for field in form %} or even {% if form %}, then it's easy enough to render in django-pattern-library so long as we force the form to be null in the YAML context, and are happy not to have the form.

If the form is rendered explicitly by field names, then it requires a lot more work, which can quickly become too much of a maintenance burden – for example creating deeply nested structures for form fields:

            __name__: char_field

While this is in theory possible, it’s not a very desirable prospect.

Can’t mock objects comparison by reference

🎉 This is now addressed as of v0.5.0, with the context modifiers in Python API.

With instances of models, the following works fine in vanilla Django, due to item and page being the same object:

{% if item == page %}

This can’t be mocked with the pattern library’s context mocking support. As a workaround, you can switch equality checks to using literals:

{% if == %}

Last update: 2024-01-17